
Sunday, February 21, 2010 on Facebook Store

2009 was perhaps the single worst year for e-commerce. Consequently, it was one of the best for those merchants involved in social media.

So how does one effectively combine the two for profit and brand awareness? Facebook. Let's review a few applications that could help your e-commerce venture succeed in the social media space - particularly on Facebook.

According to a recent study from ForeSee Results Inc., 25% of the top 100 retailers have no formal Facebook presence and another 25% have fewer than 10,000 fans. Just imagine how that percentage changes as you move away from the biggest retailers and into the far deeper pool of merchants struggling to sell online. According to that same report, of 69% of online shoppers who say they use social media sites, 56% follow at least one retailer on at least one social network. It should be clear that most retailers are missing opportunities to engage consumers. Shoppers who interact with a company on a social media site report being more satisfied, more committed to the brand and more likely to make future purchases from that company.

So how do you get your e-commerce store more involved with Facebook?

Payvment is an e-commerce application that allows for the development of a retail store on Facebook. Using the PayPal X global open payments platform, customers can shop from multiple vendors in a single shopper cart, turning FB into what could be considered the ultimate shopping mall. The application uses PayPal’s new Adaptive Payments APIs and is built on the company’s existing shopping cart Web service that turns any online page into an e-commerce page with a single line of code. Another e-commerce app that lets users post products on FB is My Merch Store from Zazzle. Create and post products for sale on Zazzle and share them with people visiting your pages on FB. Check our one our customer using payvment shopping cart on Facebook.

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